Why this disruption is happening FOR us, not TO us – Part 3

Mar 29, 2020 | Channelings, Visionary Leadership

Part 3 – Steps to take now to prepare for the future

In this time of great unrest and social disruption, many are asking how we can best act and serve now to weather through this storm and bring about the most positive change after this disruption. 

In this article I continue to speak directly with this disruptive energy to gain some clarity around our future existence as human beings.
In Part 1: Message to the people, I uncovered a message to those currently experiencing challenges and to those thriving. In Part 2: Insights around social structures I covered insights around our future as a society. In this article I provide insights of how to cultivate the most harmony now, to prepare for a better future. 

The following is a transcript of my March 23 conversations with what I interpreted as the disruptive energy currently taking place on earth.

How are we being called as a society to act right now?

What you are dealing with now is a force outside of your control, outside the control of man. So it’s best to not try and fight it, control it or make an enemy out of it. It’s best to equip yourself right now with ways and tools of support. Of loving and protecting yourself and your fellow humans. Coming together and seeing all lives as worthy, helping and being there for each other, witnessing each other’s pain and being able to rise above it with feelings of peace is how you are all being called to act now. Know that some of you will experience this disruption and show up in different ways. Some as victims whose lives are falling apart, others as saviors and some will show up with grace, kindness and love for your fellow neighbor. Whatever your approach you will all move through this and it will pass. How soon depends on how quick you can come together as a united community, country, society and planet. Coming together involves listening, communicating, voices being heard, pain being felt and compassion being shared amongst you. How you show up now will set a precedent of your own future and what is to come. 

So we urge you to act with grace, compassion, love for one another and patience. Keep your faith pointing in the direction ahead you want to move to as a society, culture and civilization on this earth. Don’t let the coming undone sway your vision and hopes. You are steering your ship in a new direction; it just takes a little way to change ways.

What measures do we put in place to create a more positive and accountable future?

The measures were already starting to be put in place. You already measured and concluded your future was unsustainable and there was a risk of extinction amongst you all. This is your opportunity to continue with the measures that serve you, then create new measures that come from a place of unity, good for all (not just one or two groups), co-existence and collaboration. 

These measures will be decided by many people and many groups and will shift as the times and needs of society shift. Nothing will be set in stone or anything be forgotten or ignored. 

Opportunities for accountability are happening now as the gaps in accountability are showing up now in a once corrupted past. Transparent measures will be put into place to measure when misalignment takes place so it can easily be caught and corrected. As structures and organizations will set up to benefit the good of all, no one will have anything to lose or gain over another.

What are some glimpses for us into a bigger picture?

The bigger future you have asked for and imagined is already here and is already taking place. Start to note the shifts and upcoming trends happening right now, how at a fast speed you were able to adapt to these daily changes and come together as a  more united society. This coming together, working together and supporting each other will continue to take place and spread in larger formats. 

You’ll begin to witness the natural beauty around you and positive power of humans working towards a collective goal versus working to only enable themselves. This shift in perception from ‘me’ to ‘WE’ will bring about many innovations and technologies that serve a global community of humanity. When you act from a united place there are no limits to the power of what humans can create and joy they can experience while on this earth. The future is looking much brighter when you work for each other not against each other. This future you have a small glimpse of right now and this will continue to unfold and expand amongst all threads of society and daily existence. The opportunities for this to happen are paramount. It just takes a change in perception to allow this change to become widespread amongst the human race. 

Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

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