Visionary Empowerment Session

You’ve answered the calling to contribute to creating a more unified world that supports all.

Alongside your vision, you also prioritize your own personal evolution as you know that is the foundation to fully bringing your vision to the world.

Whether you’re an emerging, re-evolving or re-mastering visionary each Visionary Empowerment Session accesses the highest state of truth to guide you on your journey.

Session Details:

Your session will focus on whatever is present for you right now, with the intention to guide and support your personal evolution and visionary’s journey.

Focus areas may include:

Clarity and confirmation of your exact role during this emergent time
A deep drive into your current visionary stage and tools to navigate through it
Uncover/re-activate your natural gifts and talents
Confirmation of who you are and what you are here to express
Guidance to step further into your visionary leadership pathway
Clarity or confirmation on the next aligned steps
With empowerment being at the foundation of your session, you will also receive techniques, exercises or tools that will support you to more deeply awaken your inherent wisdom and highest truth.

Session Information

Session length: 1 hour
Location: Zoom
Investment: US$250