Tapping into your business entity

Each business is made up of three energies, that seek to be honored, expressed, and in alignment to determine it’s success:

  1. Business entity
  2. Company purpose
  3. Customers needs

Tapping into these energies reveal all the answers, clarity, and guidance you need to create purpose, alignment, and growth. Ignoring this energy creates confusion, frustration, wasted resources, and lot of trial and error.

Although the three energies appear separate they are all connected and ultimately operate as one.

The reason we work with them separately is because we our mindset operates under the illusion of separation and with a ME focus. By breaking the whole entity into it’s separate parts and honoring each part, only then can you take a WE focus and operate as one.

Your business entity

Like a relationship, every business exists as its own separate energy (or entity) with it’s unique entity purpose, needs, wants, personality and values. It has a strong voice and is constantly giving clear direction on how it can grow, serve and stay in alignment with it’s purpose.

The problem is most of the time we are not listening to it and make decisions from a disconnected place of mind, advice from others, and one size fits all models. Which results in confusion, frustration, wasted resources, and lot of trial and error.
The next step in understanding the business entity, especially with solopreneurs, is to realize that YOU are NOT your company. Your company is an expression of you (and it’s cofounders). This expression is it’s own entity and contains it’s own energetic blueprint, personality, needs, wants and purpose. It has it’s own intention of how and who it wants to serve. However, at the same time it’s connected to your soul purpose and the needs of your customers.

Your Company Purpose

Every business has a purpose and reason for existing which is usually set up around solving a problem or adding more value to the world or people’s lives. This purpose is the cause and driving force behind the company and needs to stay in alignment to create success. 

How your purpose relates to your business or job

Everyone is here for a reason. Whether it’s to make the world a better place through new technology or healing nature, or to empower others to reach their greatness, we all have unique gifts and talents that we bring to achieve this. When we don’t live authentically and step into this purpose we feel unfulfilled, dissatisfied and frustrated.

If set up with the correct alignment the business founder, co-founders, partners and staff all have a life purpose that feeds into and off the entity of the business. When both of these are aligned growth, opportunities and flow are experienced.

For example, although a solopreneur is ‘not their business’, their specific life purpose can be played out through the services or products the business offers and message it brings forth in the world. If a company has multiple cofounders then their unique gifts can all be expressed through this company while serving a combined mission. An employee of a company can express their creative gifts and talents within their role and be aligned to the purpose and ideals of the company.

Customer Needs

The customers of a business each have their own needs, pain points, personalities and wants. A business is not only setup to serve it’s own needs but those of others, so it’s crucial the customer needs are understood and tied into the brand story and offerings in order to create overall success.

As customer’s needs can vary and change it can be challenging as a business owner to choose which need/s to focus on. Intuitively tapping into these needs allows you prioritize which needs to focus on and solutions to offer first that ultimately benefit the good of all.

Ready to go deeper?


Uncover the heart and soul of your business


Gain the clarity to make aligned and purpose-based business decisions