In a nation where ambition and hard work have become the status quo, it’s important to determine whether you are working for profit or purpose.

The profit-focused picture

Those that work purely for profit, although they may have the material success that is classed by society as positive, are usually driven by fear, competition and scarcity, which ultimately leaves them feeling disconnected and unfulfilled inside. Their lives are out of balance and work has taken the place of health, relationships, and a spiritual connection to something greater. They work harder out of scarcity that, having to release their latest product or close a client before someone takes their place. What fuels their decisions, mission statement, and work ethic is pure profit. They are stuck in self-gain, live in separation and bask in the fantasy of the status they will receive, and what they materially acquire. They are totally unconscious to the fact we are all connected and here to serve.

The purpose-focused story

On the other side of the spectrum are those that work hard to make a positive impact on the planet. While knowing profitability is important to any business or career path, they also follow their passion and connect to their purpose, which drives their ambition. Rather than see competitors they see partnerships, instead of having to land certain clients no matter what they only seek clients that are in alignment. They are connected to their heart and inner guidance system and trust they will be connected to the right people and opportunities. They stay focused on their purpose and their why, and don’t let the fears or uncertainty of the what or how get them down. They are connected, trusting, and inspire those around them.

After reading the two polarities above, which side of the line do you stand in? Are you perhaps a mix of both? Maybe your business or career started with a focus on purpose and due to investor pressure, stress, or ego you may also be operating from a place of fear and scarcity to make a profit.