As a conscious entrepreneur and light worker chances are you are sensitive or empathic. You may easily feel other people’s emotions or the collective consciousness energy? Or, like me you may be sensitive to various foods, chemicals and substances such as caffeine, alcohol and drugs.

In my early 20s, I developed irritable bowel and leaky gut syndromes from eating the standard western/Australian diet which involved process foods, too much wheat or refined carbs, and dairy. Although everyone around me seemed fine, or being overweight and feeling low in energy was normal to everyone, for me it caused catastrophic effects which left me paralyzed with pain for hours after eating.

I gave up meat and dairy which eased the pain however, I was still always inflamed, reacting to most foods and feeling over sensitive. After the doctors performed tests and confirmed nothing was wrong, I went down the holistic and homeopathic route. This way cost a lot of money and I felt instead of education I was getting practitioners wanting me to eat how I was but rely on their expensive herbs to ease my pain. I started to feel like something was really wrong with my health and craved to be like everyone else where I could just eat what I wanted.

It took me years to realize that nothing is wrong with me or my health it’s quite the opposite, my inflammatory reaction to eating these bad foods was a good thing, because these foods are essentially poisoning us and not providing adequate nutrition.

With my lifelong desire to want to fit in with people it was a constant struggle to honor what my body needed to feel good – a plant based, non-processed, and gluten free diet. For years I still ate wheat, dairy, and processed foods even though I knew I it would negatively effect my mind and I would spend the next 4 hours in pain, be bloated, and have weight gain.

Not only does a poor diet and lifestyle effect your body as in my case, it also effects the mind. Junk food equals junk thoughts. As conscious entrepreneurs it’s important that all our life activities are conscious not just our business and that includes our relationships, self-talk, how we treat our body and what and how we eat.

Eating dead, low vibrational food is essentially holding you back from your ultimate spiritual, mental, and physical performance. As a triathlete I know these eating habits have been holding me back from performing well in my races and muscle and body recovery.

So I invite you to stand out from the crowd when it comes to unconscious eating and fuel your system with the nourishment it craves.