Succeeding on the pathway of the few

Nov 7, 2021 | Moment of Inspiration, Visionary Leadership

A moment of inspiration – Nov 8, 2021

Succeeding on the pathway of the few

Right now the visionary pathway may appear as the pathway of the few. A pathway barely visible to the masses and easily missed when entrenched in the concerns of the modern world.

This pathway is visible and laid out for the visionaries who remember why they are here and are driven by their calling.

This pathway invites us to lead by example. To clean up our act, heal our past and lovingly light the way forward for others.

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being committed. Staying in integrity whether people are watching or not, laying boundaries and keeping our eyes focused directly ahead.

This isn’t the time for distractions, being stagnant or denying our role. It’s the time for focus, presence and patience. For uniting and supporting each other in our growth and awakening.

A powerful exercise recently came to me which serves as a tool in remembering who you are and in regaining your focus.

So, next time you feel lost in the happenings of life and the coming and going of the emotions and mind, try this:

The cord to remembrance

When lost in the matrix of life our mind is busy, there are things to remember and worry about and decisions to be made. There is less stillness, silence and chance to just BE. Everything is focused on what to DO.

When you find yourself in this state, imagine yourself looking down at your navel and pulling a cord out of your stomach.

Once this cord has been pulled, see yourself jump back and disconnect from your current story. Everything you were involved in or concerned about has now become a movie passing by in front of you.

You’ve now become a witness. A silent observer free from the emotions and pull of what is taking place in front of you. Eventually, the story becomes muted and no longer invites your attention.

Now notice the stillness and peace around you. Look around and see where you are. Is anyone with you?

Bask in the radiance of this state while remaining witness to what once captured your main attention.

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