Visionary Leadership

The existing world was created with a certain level of perception, energy and awareness.

The emerging world is being created with a more unified perception, amplified energy and higher awareness.

The role of a visionary is to connect and co-create from this place.

I support visionaries to embody this new way of interacting, co-existing and being.

I do this by guiding you to access your inner wisdom, awaken your gifts and fully realize your potential and contribution on the planet.

Get visionary leadership support for:

Clarity & Confirmation

Coaching & Mentorship

Group Programs


Visionary Leadership Support


Purpose & Clarity

Life clarity & contribution session

Suitable for:

Gain clarity and confirmation of your exact role during this emergent time, while uncovering the natural gifts and talents that wait inside you.

Best for:
Emerging and Re-Evolving visionaries committed to gaining clarity and confirmation on the bigger picture (humanity’s view) and your own personal purpose, gifts and contribution.

Session overview:

At the core of your visionary’s journey is the uncovering and articulation of your purpose, gifts and contribution to this planet. Once uncovered, these insights lead to a more crystalized vision, greater expression of truth and discovery of deep inner wisdom.

This intuitive-led session channels wisdom directly from the highest source to provide clarity and deeper articulation of your purpose, pathway and contribution on this planet.

Due to all visionaries having a personal responsibility to also uncover these insights and truths themselves (not only being told), these sessions work best combined with self-guided or facilitated inner exploration and discovery sessions done either prior to or following this session.

Session inclusions and investment

Session inclusions and investment

  • WHY you exist
  • HOW you are supporting this purpose
  • WHAT you are or will do to fully realize
  • WHO you serve
  • A fully realized VISION of yourself

Session length: 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs
Investment: Sliding scale US$444 – $555
Location: Zoom

Clarity & Guidance

Visionary Leadership Session

Suitable for:

Get clarity and confirmation on your role as a visionary leader and the next aligned steps to accelerate on your journey and create greater impact.

Best for:

Emerging, Re-evolving or Re-mastering visionaries inviting in clarity, guidance or confirmation on your visionary pathway, gifts and expression of truth.

Session Overview:
Leading with purpose and vision in this time of great change and emergence requires a commitment to personal and collective evolution, alignment in all aspects of your life and unwavering faith of your vision.

These single sessions are offered to provide you with clarity and insights to navigate unknown and emerging territory with full presence, commitment and alignment.

Each session is empowering, directed by your higher self and set with the intention to thrive and to truly awaken your inherent wisdom.

The session can include navigating and clearing blocks that are preventing you from embodying your highest potential.

Session inclusions and investment

Session length: 1 hour
Location: Zoom
Investment: $255 


Coaching & Empowerment

Visionary Coaching

Suitable for:

Gain more confidence, effectiveness and support in your role as a visionary, so you can lead the change you came here to lead.

Best for:

Emerging and Re-evolving visionaries who want accountability and guidance to further awaken your purpose and gifts so you can accelerate your visionary’s journey and step closer to fully embodying and realizing your vision.

Recognition and confirmation of your vision, gifts and true potential empower you to accelerate on your visionary pathway and respond to the emergent field in a more aligned way.

These ongoing coaching sessions are structured to meet you where you are and work towards tangible and measurable goals.

All sessions are intuitively led and held with the following intentions:

  • A mirroring of you in your highest capabilities
  • Intuitive development
  • Further awakening of your gifts
  • Pathway and vision clarity
  • Next steps to execute and realize your vision
  • Support to believe in yourself and your calling
Session inclusions and investment

Program Length: 3 – 6 months
Session Length & Location: Weekly 1 hour
recorded Zoom sessions 

Also includes:

  • Weekly check-ins via email
  • Practices and homework each week

Investment: Inquire for details 

Coaching & Evolutionary Development

Awakened Leadership Coaching

Suitable for:

Master your potency and strength as a visionary by playing in the emergent field and practicing true presence.

Best for:

Re-Evolving and Re-Mastering visionaries who want to master their full potential and capacities while leading systems-levels change.

Moving through space and time as an awakened visionary requires grace, wisdom and energetic refinement. Knowing when to be still and when to act comes from an embodied connection to the way of all things.

This level of coaching encourages you to go beyond perceived personal limitations that may be inhibiting the full realization and expression of your vision. You’ll be invited to move deeper into planetary alignment while connecting to and working with higher dimensional forces.

All sessions are intuitively led and held with the following held containers:

  • Guidance to transcend the ego
  • Developing your awakened capacities
  • Mapping out the parallels of your personal journey and visionary journey
  • Leading change through emergence and heart capacity
  • Moving beyond form and dimension
  • Next steps to execute and realize your vision
Session inclusions and investment

Program Length: 3 – 6 months
Session Length & Location: 2 –
3 x
90 minute recorded Zoom sessions per month

Also includes:

  • Weekly check-ins via email
  • Practices and homework each week

Investment: Inquire for details

Group Sessions

Visionary Mentorship


Discovery Exploration Program

Suitable for:

Are you ready to truly uncover your purpose and role as a visionary? Would you like some guidance and support in doing so?
It’s the personal responsibility of every visionary to go through the exploration process of uncovering the passion, gifts and contribution that lie inside you.

These discovery exploration sessions are best for Emerging and Re-evolving visionaries who value support, structure and confirmation when it comes to uncovering their personal purpose, gifts, passions and company vision. These facilitated sessions will guide you through creative and intuitive processes to retrieve the wisdom and insights that lie inside of you and your business.

These sessions can be done prior to or after Life Purpose Contribution session, Business Blueprint and Strategic Visioning sessions.

Session inclusions and investment

These creative workshops are a mixture of educational content, interactive activities and intuitive development to unveil the truth that lies within.

Workshop 1: You

Source and uncover more details around your purpose, talents, passions and contribution to the world. 

Workshop 2: Your Business

Align to the original intent of your businesss, its goals and vision and how it’s asking to be served by you right now. 

Session length: 2x 2.5 hr workshop
Investment: $1111
Location: Zoom
Date of next session: Register your interest


The session I had with Kelly helped me get clarity on how to approach defining my life and business purpose. It is something I’ve been struggling with for a while and through our relatively short conversation she offered me guidance which helped me break through that struggle and very quickly my purpose became clear to me. Initially I hoped Kelly would give me the answer! But the guidance she gave me about how to get clear myself was invaluable and far more powerful and meaningful

Susan Grandfield

–Mindset Coach, UK

Kelly is great at integrating both the analytical and the creative aspects of business development. Her intuitive, well-organised and collaborative approach is as empowering as it is supportive.
Working with Kelly offered me many insights and good clarity. She strove to honour my vision and mission while offering practical and effective business strategies, innovative ideas, and a refreshing perspective. Kelly truly exemplifies conscious entrepreneurship through Heart-Driven Business.

Rev. Keda Edwards Pierre

– Founder of True2Soul Network, Canada

Evolve. Accelerate. Merge

Visionary Pathway Offerings

Visionary Pathways offer customized support, guidance and clarity for you to accelerate your personal and business journey and use your resources timely and wisely.

Each pathway aligns to set goals and combines 1-on-1 consulting with mentoring services catered to the visionary expression you are currently in.

Ready to take a more connected approach to leading your business?

Emergent tools

Awakened Business Support

Heart-centered marketing strategy, storytelling and advisory services to create a movement – not only a business.

Not sure where you are on your visionary journey?

Take the quiz to determine your current visionary expression and stage.

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Visionary Insights

Gain inspiration and tools to accelerate your visionary pathway and contribution to the world.