There are 3 ways you can be investing your time and energy when it comes to your career or business:

1. What you think you SHOULD be doing

2. What you THINK you want to be doing

3. What you are CALLED to be doing

Thoughts, activities and rationale based on numbers 1 & 2 live in the space of the mind.

They are calculated, often agreed upon by society and can make sense, however they contain no heart or substance. Fulfillment is lacking and often these decisions come from fear and choosing to stay in your comfort zone.

Some examples include continuing to do something because it makes the most money – even if you are bored with it and it feels out of alignment. Choosing to do something that worked in the past even though you have energetically moved on and there are bigger and better things to create and tackle. Doing things that people recommend because it makes the most sense even though you don’t feel it in your heart.

Choices, activities and time invested towards the third way of following your calling comes from a place of trust, alignment and readiness. Our heart has received the call and we feel ready to step up into our purpose and move through any major learnings that come with it. To the mind it may not always make sense and friends or family may not approve, however in our hearts we know it’s our calling.

What prevents people getting out of 1 & 2 and moving on to the third choice?

Timing can sometimes be the case, where we feel the calling however we stay in our comfort zone a bit longer (sometimes years) so we can gather more lessons.

Playing it safe also keeps you free from exposing your greatness and conquering the opposition energy that may come with that. Readiness for that is also key.

A third reason is further development of trust & surrender. When you follow clear messages from your heart, full trust is needed in order for the guidance to come into fruition.

When the calculating and logical mind comes back in, thrown in with some fear we often take a few steps back into safety where we block ourselves from realizing our purpose.

It can often feel like constantly jumping off a cliff and trusting you will be fully supported.

Fully living and expressing ourselves in what we are called to do (our purpose), requires constant heart connection and alignment which is a moment by moment practice.

I wish you all the best.